Fitness Tips

The Best Punching Bags for Apartments – Most Quiet Choices for Compact Spaces 2024

If the internet is to be believed, apartment punching bags don’t exist.

They say that the ones that are marketed as being apartment-friendly, are either too flimsy or too noisy, or both.

That’s not true though.

A few years ago, punching bags were large clunkers that weighed a ton and occupied a copious amount of space.

Today, there is a staggering number of choices, in a variety of sizes, weights and configurations.

You have portable varieties that can either be hung on the ceiling or hung up using a stand.

And there are free standing versions that come with a heavy base that do not require you to drill holes in your wall, ceiling, or do any kind of home destruction.

Both are good for apartment use, with a few caveats that is.

But let me preface this with telling you that in most cases, free standing bags are the best way to go if you are living in an apartment.

I live in apartment now, and have been using the Wavemaster XXL free standing bag for years now. 

But hey, that's my opinion, that takeaway here is that irrespective of whether you live in an apartment and would like a bag that’s as silent as a mouse, or you live in a rental where bolting a bag on the ceiling is out of the question, you still have options galore.

That brings us to the most important question.

What Type of Punching Bag Is Best for an Apartment?

Setting up a punching bag in an apartment gym depends on numerous factors. Here are some of them.

Which Floor Do You Live on

Unless it’s the ground floor, or your apartment has a basement where you can bolt it to the ceiling, a hanging bag might not be a great option.

Basements typically have a steel beam and a reasonably cheap clamp can be used to bolt the bag to it. Of course, unless it's a low-ceiling basement where the clearance might be a challenge, where you might need to consider a shorter (freestanding) bag instead.

But if you live on upper floors, then you are looking at potential structural damage unless you can bolt the neighboring floor joists together, the chances of which are slim. 

The last thing you need is to hang up a bag in the living room and end up forfeiting half of your deposit. Not worth it when you have other, equally good options like a freestanding punching bag.

The Amount of Space You Have

Freestanding bags are a great option provided that you have a decent amount living space or a place to put it, (picture the bat cave) and a girlfriend/partner who’s willing to put up with it. 

Not everybody fancies eating dinner around a sweaty bag.

Oh, don’t forget the possibility that you might walk into it face first after one sundowner too many. Aah, just kidding.  Free standing bags are a terrific choice for apartments.

They are portable, lightweight and need no installation. They are available in a variety of apartment friendly sizes as well.

The Type of Bag You Need

Some types of punching bags are inadvertently more apartment-friendly than other varieties. The speed bag for example, should be a great fit for most apartments as long as you can set it up. 

A reflex bag is a no-brainer, it's easy to set up and works pretty much anywhere.

The heavy bag wouldn’t be unless you find a way to install it.

That said, here’s a quick glimpse at the different types of punching bags that are commonly used in apartments.

Best Types of Punching Bags for Apartments

Listed below are the best most commonly used types of punching bags used in apartments

Free Standing Bags - Best Type For Apartment

free standing punching bags

As we mentioned briefly, free standing punching bags are a great pick for apartments and small houses where you don’t have the luxury to hang a bag on the ceiling.

These bags do not need to be attached to the ceiling, heavy stand, or require any kind of set up other than simply filling the bag.

Instead, these have a weighted base that provides the stability the bag needs when you throw punches or kicks at it. Some varieties are spring loaded and will rebound into place after being hit.

Others like the Wavemaster XXL, the bag that I own, will stay put like a rock.

Some cheap models might topple over if you go Jean Claude Van Damme on it. But that’s to be expected. Punching bags for apartment use aren’t intended to be a replacement for a commercial heavy bag.

If you were swayed into believing that freestanding bags aren’t as effective as hanging bags, then here are the reasons why that argument doesn’t hold water.

These Are Comparatively Cheaper

Freestanding bags are as easy on the pocket as they are on knuckles and apartment joists.

Apart from the upfront cost of the bag, you’ll also save a few bucks needed to clamp a hanging bag to the ceiling, or a few bucks that you’d otherwise spend buying a heavy duty punching bag stand that can sustain the weight of the bag.

Don’t Have to Drill Holes in the Wall

Need we say more? Holes can look ungainly and they can cost you a significant chunk of your deposit if you live in a rental.

Not to mention that there is always a looming risk of structural damage when you drill holes.

Don’t Need a Stand

Stands seem like a pretty good idea until you realize that they take up a hell of a lot more space than a freestanding bag.

Also, it’s not going to help the aesthetics of your living room. With freestanding bags, you don’t need a stand at all.

Easier to Set Up

Freestanding bags are much easier to set up as compared to any other type of punching bag. These typically come pre-filled with sand or some kind of synthetic fill.

If it’s not pre-filled, then the package will contain a separate base and the bag. You need to install the mounting pole, fill the base with sand or water, or an equivalent, attach the bag to this and you are set.

Once the package is delivered, you’ll be ready to throw punches at it in less than an hour.

Easier on the Knuckles

Most punching bags can be a little severe on your knuckles, especially if you are new to it and don't have heavy bag gloves to offer that much-needed cushioning.

But freestanding bags are made of softer foam that helps in keeping them lightweight.

Make no mistake, you’ll still get one hell of a workout.

But if you tend to go at the bag for hours at a time, your hands are less likely to be sore and damaged.

Better for Low Kicks

Hanging bags are ideal for throwing your mid and high kicks. But if you are a MMA fighter, or a youngster teenage girl training for martial arts, and would like to practice your low kicks as well, then you might find a freestanding bag to be a better pick.

Also with these, you can still practice your high kicks at head height mind you.

In a nutshell, freestanding bags are a great choice for apartments, whether you're into MMA or boxing. They are lightweight, easier to install, don’t require bulky stands or risky drilling.

You can place it right on top of your MMA mat and move it aside when you want to do some grappling moves.

And yes, they are cheaper as well.

Hanging Bags

hanging heavy bag

For most part of this article, we have argued in favor of freestanding bags while comparing them with hanging bags.

But the fact is that hanging bags are incomparable, especially if you train competitively.

These bags are designed to take an absolute pounding and can withstand more vigorous training as compared to freestanding ones.

No amount of punching or kicking is going to topple them over. Then there’s the swing to counter, which helps in honing your footwork and hip movement.

That said, all the above mentioned riders apply if you do decide to buy one of these.

  • They will need to be bolted to the ceiling or to a heavy stand that can withstand the weight.
  • Stand plus bag = Tons of space.
  • Stand plus bag = More expensive, noisier.

Every time you throw a punch, the vibration will be felt across the floor. Your neighbors are definitely not going to like it.

Speed Bag

The good old speed bag is a boxing training staple that helps develop speed, coordination and cardiovascular strength.

It is compact, inexpensive and is a perfect fit for apartments.

You can either install it on the ceiling using a bracket or a reinforced board, or you can hang it on a stand. Either way, it doesn’t occupy half the space that a heavy bag does because it has a very short range of motion.

But this is what makes speed bag training so effective.

The bag will swing right back at you before you realize and you have to ensure that you time your punches right.

Irrespective of whether you are looking to improve technique, speed or just looking for an intense HIIT session, the speed bag will fit the bill.

Doorway (Unconventional) Punching Bags

The doorway punching bag is a slightly unconventional training aid that’s similar to the speed bag in function. 

But instead of installation on the ceiling, which may not be suited for everybody, this can be installed in one of the doorways at home.

It comes with a complete installation kit, which includes two bag hanging bars, two sets of straps that attach to the bag, and the punching bag, which is very speed bag-like in terms of design.

You can adjust the tension and the resistance by varying the space between the two bars.

The bag has a very short range of motion and apart from hand eye coordination and timing, these bags can also be used for cardiovascular drills.

Best Punching Bags for an Apartment

All said and done, here are our recommendations for the best punching bags for an apartment.

These bags were selected based on the quality they provide, the amount of noise they make, the amount of space they take up, and cost. In that order

#1 – Editor’s Choice – Wavemaster XXL

Best Features

  • Bag that I Personally Own for my Apartment
  • Built like a Tank - Owned it for 4 years - thing still looks new
  • Big striking surface which makes it perfect for beginners, pros, and heavy bag workouts
  • Low profile 14” base that provides great stability
  • Triple layer foam surface for punches and kicks
  • 69” tall
  • Easy installation

Wavemaster XXL Review

The Wavemaster XXL is Century’s flagship freestanding punching bag model that has remained an infallible choice (no pun intended) for martial artists for over a decade.

It is renowned for its top-notch construction, low-profile design and incredible stability.

Easy Installation

Installation is as easy as it gets. There are three parts to it, the base, the bag and a screw cap that will hold the bag in position.

Install the base on an even surface. We recommend that you place it on a rubber mat or a Yoga mat, if you have hardwood floor.

This will prevent the bag from sliding (there’s no tipping over on this) when you land a full swing roundhouse on it.

Attach the screw cap at the bottom of the base, fill it with sand or water. Sand might be a better option because there’s no risk of leakage.

Attach the bag to the base and fill it with water. That’s it.

Large Surface

The Century Wavemaster XXL stands 69” tall, of which, the base is just 14-inches. The diameter is a sizeable 18-inches.

This gives you the largest punching and kicking surface amongst just about any other bag out there. It’s near perfect for both punching, MMA (not grappling), and Muay Thai as well.

Unlike flimsy freestanding bags, you can throw some serious blows at this one. It will take an absolute pounding without even flinching.

At best, the bag bobs around a little when I throw my hardest kicks at it. But even for that, you’ll have to throw everything you’ve got at it.

It weighs a size-able 280 pounds when filled, mind you. So there’s no moving this around after work out.

The surface is a triple layer one with a plastic core, a high-density foam wrapped around it and a tough outer vinyl covering.

Just the right thickness for every day practice without beating up your knuckles.

#2 – Best Overall Pick - Century Bob XL

Best Features

  • Best Overall Punching bag out right now both for apartments and pretty much everything else - Slightly more expensive though.
  • Provides a Life-Like Training Experience
  • Human-shaped heavy bag alternative
  • Perfect for practicing precise punches
  • Height adjustable from 60” to 80”
  • High density foam with a plastisol surface
  • Perfect for kicks, punches and grapple

Century Bob XL Review

The Century Bob XL is for MMA fighters what the Wavemaster XXL is for Muay Thai and Karate practitioners.

It is a standup dummy, somewhat like a heavy bag, that can be punched at, kicked, grappled with and occasionally abused.

When you are looking for a reliable opponent to throw some punches at, Bob can be that opponent.

At other times, Bob can be your boss, or anyone that you wish to vent your anger at. All he does is stare back at you with that menacing glare.

Unlike a large sausage-shaped cylinder hanging from the ceiling, you get to practice your moves with an opponent-shaped dummy.

That’s why it’s called Bob, which stands for Body Opponent Bag.

Perfect Your Punches

While throwing punches and kicks at a heavy bag is a proven way to improve strength, agility and technique, a lot of new fighters tend to throw wayward punches as opposed to precise ones.

With Bob, you have a clear idea of where your opponent’s chin, or midsection would be. It takes the guesswork out of it.

Also, there are some punches which are just impossible to practice on a heavy bag. Take the uppercut for an example. With Bob, you can land precise uppercuts and you can do it all day.

Adjustable Height

While the original Bob stood 78” tall at its max height setting, the XXL version can be adjusted from 60” to 80” height.

The dummy itself is 40” tall, which means that at the lowest setting, it is just the right size for low kicks whereas a quick adjustment allows you to land those face-level kicks with ease.

Another feature that sets the BOB XL apart from the rest is the construction. BOB is made of high-density urethane foam with a plastisol surface, which is closer to human contact than a heavy bag is.

You get a more realistic feel upon contact with BOB.

#3 – Century Versys Fight SimulatorBest Bang for Your Buck

Best For MMA Fighters & BJJ Grapplers

Best Features

  • Freestanding fight simulator
  • Used for Both Standup and Ground Work Grappling
  • Affordable - Excellent Bang for Buck Bag
  • Multiple versions to suit your training style
  • Can be used for MMA, BJJ as well as plain punch and kick drills
  • Natural rebound which prevents it from tipping over

Century Versys Fight Simulator Review

The Versys Fight Simulator is everything you need to simulate a sparring session while training alone, or even in groups.

It is a large freestanding punching bag with a stable base, that comes with top handles, top and bottom handles or three legs, depending on the version that you select.

Apart from conventional martial arts training, the Versys can also be used for knee strikes, groin kicks, heel kicks as well as for clinch work.

The Multipurpose Training Simulator

It would be unfair to call the Versys a punching bag because there’s so much more that you can do with it.

You can ground and pound, throw punches, practice arm locks, takedowns, throws, use it for group drills (Version 3.0) and also for self-defense training.

While the traditional heavy bag style is mostly used by boxers and muaythai practitioners, BJJ and MMA fighters would prefer the versatility of the Versys.

Perfect Weight and Rebound

The heavy base and the light weight foam filled design gives it a natural rebound that works phenomenally well for speed and agility drills.

At the same time, the high density foam can take a beating as good as any.

That said, at 110 lbs. when fully filled, there are chances that you might topple this over. It’s no WaveMaster

So if you intend to go gung-ho at it, this isn’t the bag you should be buying.

Versys is more of an all-round training simulator.

Best Features

  • Most Stable Bag
  • Spring Loaded - Rebounds back when hit like a reflex bag
  • Perfect for those that want to work on their footwork and practice their movements
  • 76” tall
  • 17” x 62” striking surface
  • High density foam wrapped in synthetic leather
  • 270 lbs. capacity base
  • Additional foam padding for base

Ringside Elite Review

At 76”, the Ringside Elite freestanding bag is one of the tallest bags in this list.

If you are predominantly looking at a bag to throw them high kicks, this is one of your best bets.

This means that you get 17” x 62” striking surface, which is more than sufficient for a great workout for athletes of all ages.

The Elite has a dual-layer construction, with a shock absorbing foam interior wrapped in a synthetic leather cover.

The surface is just the right firmness for a comfortable workout, and the faux leather covering is impervious to sweat and stains. Less time spent fussing over aesthetics.

Comes Spring Loaded

It comes spring loaded, which allows you to go hard at it, without worrying about it toppling over. As if it weren’t good enough already, there’s a removable foam collar that restricts the bag from moving around a lot.

Athletes working on their footwork, who’d like the bag to rebound naturally, can remove the foam collar, whereas if you want a more stationary bag, add it.

Also, there’s an additional foam padding that can be attached to the base while practicing low kicks.

The Elite has one of the most capacious bases that we’ve seen in freestanding bags. It has a 270 lbs. max capacity when filled. This one’s as sturdy as they come.

#5 – Century Cardio Wavemaster

Best Bag For Women

Best Features

  • Excellent for Cardio Kickboxers
  • Best Choice for Women
  • Cardio focused lighter weight bag
  • Freestanding with large rounded base
  • Portable and can be moved around the house
  • Height adjustable from 53.5 inches to 65.5 inches in 8-increments
  • High density foam core

Century Cardio Wavemaster II Review

The Cardio Wavemaster is a reboot of one of Century’s oldest freestanding bags that has stood the test of time and consistently outperformed its competition.

It can easily be distinguished by its large circular base with rounded edges, that’s designed to be portable. So even if you fill it up with sand or water, you can topple it over and roll it to the intended storage spot.

That’s perfect for apartment use.

It does weigh 280 lbs. when filled, so that’s an additional workout for you right there.

As implied by the branding, this is a cardio-focused bag that’s slightly lighter and softer as compared to other heavy bags. It is spring loaded, which means it has a natural swing to it upon contact.

The height can be adjusted from 53.5 inches to 65.5 inches in 8-increments.

At 65.5, it isn’t as tall as the Ringside Elite. But like we said, this is better suited for speed and agility drills, as well as precision-based target striking as opposed to hardcore punch and kick practice.

Overall, the Cardio Wavemaster is a good punching bag for teenagers or beginners as well as athletes looking for an at-home cardio session.

More seasoned martial artists might find it lacking though.

#6 – Ringside Fitness Reflex Bag

Best Free Standing Reflex Bag

Best Features

  • Best Bag for Reflex training
  • Natural whip which mimics the movement of an opponent
  • Perfect for torso, core and cardio workouts
  • Height adjustable from 49” to 69”
  • 240 lbs. capacity base
  • Can bob and weave

Ringside Fitness Reflex Bag Review

Reflex bags are dime a dozen. But most of them are marred by poor design which makes them either too slow to whip back, or too fast for newcomers.

The Ringside Fitness Reflex bag aces it on all fronts.

Spring Loaded Design

It features a spring loaded design with the spring positioned near the base. This gives it just the perfect amount of whip for a hardcore cardio workout.

The whip is fast enough for punch combos as well as bob and weave. At the same time, it’s not blinding fast or overwhelming for learners.

Even if you aren’t aiming for the golden gloves, you’ll still be able to get a pretty good workout with this one.

For seasoned athletes, the whipping motion mimics the natural movement of an athlete. If you are looking to hone hand eye coordination, this gets it done.

The pole height adjustable from 49” to 69”, which places the bag at just the right height. Should be at shoulder level for a 6’ athlete at the max height and for a teen at its lowest height setting. 

The compactness of this punching bag makes it a perfect bag for any apartment home gym or beginner gym set up.

The base can be filled with 240 lbs. of sand, which makes it impossible to topple over.

Another great feature is that it has a synthetic leather bag that needs to be attached to the screw. It’s not an inflatable and hence there are zero chances of a potential leak disrupting your workout.

#7 – Century Original Wavemaster

Most Affordable Apartment Option

Best Features

  • Very Affordable Option
  • Classic design
  • Height adjustable from 47 inches to 68 inches in 7-increments
  • 26” striking surface
  • One of the most stable bases
  • Perfect for a wide range of exercises and drills

Century Original Wavemaster Review

The Wavemaster is often touted to be THE freestanding punch bag that started it all.

It’s a classic that’s backed by years of tried and tested performance. Legacy apart, it has one of the most stable designs that refuses to get toppled over, no matter how hard you throw your punches and kicks.

It has a hint of a whip. But that’s about it.

The only time you’ll topple this is when you want to move it around the garage or the house. The large base with the rounded edges make it easy-peasy to roll it.

The striking surface is 26” tall and has a 13” diameter.

It is made of high-density foam with a tough poly-shell that makes it the perfect thickness for a vigorous workout session. It’s not the most capacious surface.

But that’s what makes it perfect for both precision practice as well as more basic drills.

You can adjust the height from a very low 47 inches to a reasonable 68 inches as well.

Overall, it’s hard to go wrong with a freestanding bag that has been around for 30-years and still outsells most of the competition.

Best Hanging Heavy Bags for Apartments

If you have the setup for it, then go for a heavy bag by all means instead of a freestanding one.

Nothing can beat the feel of throwing kicks and punches on a heavy bag.

It’s like hitting a rock that refuses to budge and it’s one of the easiest ways to develop arm and leg strength.

All said and done, here are some of our favorite heavy bags for apartments.

#1 - Everlast Dual Station

Best Bang for Buck Bundle

Best Features

  • Heavy duty stand, heavy bag, speed bag, chain and gloves
  • Height adjustable
  • Stand is 57" L x 47.6" W and 86” tall
  • Capacity to hang 100 lbs. bag
  • 70 lbs. heavy bag made of synthetic Nevatear and comes prefilled
  • Great pricing

Everlast Dual Station Review

The Everlast Dual Station is a combo bundle that includes a 70 lbs. heavy bag and a stand, heavy bag MMA gloves, along with a bunch of other accessories. It’s everything you need to set up a workout station in an apartment.

The stand is constructed from powder-coated steel tubing and is about 86” tall. It is built like a tank and has a dual design, which allows you to hang the heavy bag from one of the hooks and a speed bag from the other.

Both bags are included in the bundle and come pre-filled with a sand-synthetic blend.

At 57" L x 47.6" W, the footprint is reasonable too.

Weighted Base for Stability

One of the common gripes that athletes have with heavy bag stands is that they tend to move around if you throw heavy kicks or punches at it. To that end, Everlast has added storage horns or weight plate pegs at the bottom where you can stack plates.

This stabilizes the stand.

Also it features rubberized feet which prevents it from moving on hardwood and other smooth surfaces. That said, we recommend that you place this on a mat irrespective of the kind of flooring you have at home.

Included Heavy Bag

The 70 lbs. heavy bag is constructed from Everlast’s synthetic Nevatear™ material which can take an absolute pounding without wrinkling, tearing or fraying. 

It’s a reasonable sized bag as well. If you find that it’s too light for your liking, you can swap it with a slightly heavier one.

The stand can accommodate a bag up to 100 lbs. in weight.

At this price point, this combo is a sweet deal that saves you a lot of hassles of buying each component separately.

#2 – Everlast OmniStrike

Quietest Heavy Bag

Best Features

  • Most Quiet Hanging Heavy Bag
  • Foam-filled inner layer with a C3 foam lined outer shell
  • Extremely quiet upon contact
  • Nevalast outer cover
  • Knee strike handles

 Everlast OmniStrike Heavy Bag Review

One of the reasons a lot of apartment dwellers shy away from buying a heavy bag is noise. No matter how careful you are while setting it up, there will be noise the moment you make contact with the bag, which we are sure your neighbors wont appreciate.

With the OmniStrike, Everlast has managed to create what can be called, the quietest hanging bag ever made.

Unlike most other hanging bags that we’ve used, there is no loud ‘whoop’ sound upon contact. It’s smothered to a dull thud instead that will mostly be limited to the house itself.

Does that make sense?

It’s primarily due to the C3 foam lined outer shell on the lower portion, which insulates the inner foam layer. This additional layer softens the impact of your kicks and also absorbs the noise to a large extent.

Everything else is just quintessential Everlast.

It is an 80 lbs. bag constructed to withstand vigorous practice. The upper portion is 36” and comes with two handles which facilitate knee strikes for MMA and Muay Thai fighters.

The outer layer is NevaTear, which is a rip-free synthetic leather and can take an absolute pounding without getting frayed.

Hard to go wrong with it.

The only thing that deserves a special mention is that it does tend to swing around a lot. So, you’d either need a water bag or a sand bag to stabilize it.

#3 - Combat Sports

My Favorite Heavy Bag & It's Affordable

Best Features

  • Most Satisfying Bag To Hit
  • Full-sized bag for MMA and kickboxing
  • 100 lbs. and comes prefilled
  • Zipper on top allows you to add sand if the filling sinks
  • Firm surface with great feedback
  • Heavy duty chain and carabineer included

Combat Sports Review

If you are looking for a heavy bag that’s closer to the commercial grade ones you use at the gym, then this full-sized bag from Combat Sports will be a great fit.

It gives you 72” of striking area and is 13” in diameter. Weighs 100 lbs. when fully filled and comes with a heavy duty chain with D-rings. Pretty much everything you need to install it at home.

The outer layer on the bag is synthetic leather and it holds up exceptionally well to everyday practice.

It does come pre-filled by the way.

So less hassles setting it up. Also, this allows you to get practicing from day one.

There’s a zipper right on top, which means that as and when the fill settles, you can keep adding more until you have a firm surface.

There’s no risk of the weight sinking in after a few weeks of practice, and the bag getting more bottom heavy with an empty portion on top.

The striking surface is one of the best in the business. It has a nice feedback upon bare shin contact. Neither too hard nor too mushy and works equally well for gloved combat.

The only possible downside to the bag is that you need at least 75” of clearance to hang it up, else it might scrape the floor. Also, if you are a tall and heavy athlete, it might swing around a lot depending on how hard you go at it.

Best Features

  • Lightweight and compact sized
  • 42” striking surface which is perfect for apartment use
  • Outer leather cover
  • 1” Closed cell foam liner
  • Even weight distribution
  • Comes with a heavy duty chain

Ringside Leather 65 lb. Heavy Bag Review

This 65 lbs. heavy bag from Ringside is just the right size for a small apartment or a tiny garage home gym setup.

It’s a 42” striking surface with a real leather outer cover. Single stitch at the seams but very durable nevertheless.

Upon contact, it makes that sweet sound that you get only with authentic leather bags. Also, it breaks in delightfully well. Wait for a few weeks until that patina begins to shine.

A lot of athletes are skeptical about leather bags because low quality leather tends to be high maintenance, especially when exposed repeatedly to sweat.

We have to hand it over to Ringside. The quality of the leather cover is top notch. It holds up exceptionally well to repeated use and it does not develop an odor either.

On the inside, you have high density foam wrapped in a 1" closed cell foam liner, which absorbs the force of impact and also reduces noise.

Overall, we are mighty impressed with this Ringside heavy bag. If you are looking for a compact, lightweight heavy bag for home use, you’d be hard pressed to find a better one at this price point.

Best Speed Bags for Apartments

Speed bags are a foundational tool for developing speed and agility.

However, if you are trying to install one of these in an apartment, you’d want one that can be set up without undertaking major modifications, and one that doesn’t create a din as you go at it.

Based on these criterion, here are some of the best speed bags for apartment use.

#1 - Title Classic Speed Bag

Best Overall Speed Bag

Best Features

  • Classic design that’s tried and tested for years
  • Used by professionals
  • Great rebound
  • Head leather outer layer
  • Comes with an extra bladder in the pack
  • Wears naturally
  • Does not leak air even with every day use
  • Available in red and black in different sizes

Title Classic Speed Bag Review

This is the Title classic speed bag, touted to be one of the best brands in the business. It is lightweight, durable and crafted to withstand years of abuse.

The rebound is excellent and it is crafted from durable head leather. Apart from some natural wear-in, the bag stays as good as new for a long time.

No frays,

No rips,

No tears...

Yeah, it's that good!

Depending on your skill set and your training goals, you can pick from different sizes. The XS is for more seasoned boxers and has a very fast rebound time as opposed to the medium, which is great for beginners as well.

This bag, just like others from Title, does not leak air. This means that you don’t need to bother inflating them every time you are bagging.

In rare event that the bladder does get damaged, Titan throws in an additional bladder in the pack.

Overall, there’s no comparison for this Titan Classic speed bag. Just go ahead and get one already.

#2 – Title Boxing Gyro Balanced Speed Bags

Best Speed Bag For Beginners

Best Features

  • Gyro balanced speed bag with internal balancing system
  • Stays in line even if you make an accidental off center strike
  • Butyl Rubber pro Bladder wrapped in leather shell
  • Triple reinforced seams with lacing
  • Surprisingly quiet

Title Boxing Gyro Balanced Speed Bags Review

The Title speed bag is a great pick for beginners as well as for homes and gyms where people of different skill levels will be using it.

Firstly, it has a four panel construction which means that it’s slightly flatter in the middle where you make contact. This makes it less likely to go off track even if you accidentally make an off-center strike.

Some speed bags are notorious for wobbling off track even if you slightly go off center.

Since this more or less stays in line, you can easily adjust your footwork or switch drills midway.

That in no ways means that it’s meant for beginners only. It’s a Gyro balanced speed bag that has been used by pros for years.

Has a great rebound, doesn’t bite the skin too much and is constructed to last.

It has a butyl rubber pro bladder core wrapped around in a leather shell. There’s triple reinforcing on the leather seems and the lacing ensures that the cover doesn’t slip or come loose even after hours of practice.

One of the best features about it is that it is surprisingly quiet for a speed bag. We attribute it to the outer leather shell, which seems to smother the noise made upon contact.

If you are looking for a speed bag that doesn’t create a din, then check this out.

#3 - Everlast Speed Bag

Cheapest Speed Bag

Best Features

  • Cheaply priced speed bag
  • Inner rubber bladder
  • Outer leather shell
  • Gyro balanced
  • Triple stitches at the seams
  • Great quality
  • Available in large and medium sizes

Everlast Speed Bag Review

If you are looking to dip your toes into speed bag training without spending an arm and a leg, then here’s the Everlast speed bag.

Features a twin layer construction with an inner rubber bladder and an outer leather shell.

Reinforced stitches on the seams keep it protected from potential fraying and rips. It is gyro balanced internally and otherwise, for precise rebounds.

Your speed and comfort with the bag will also depend on the size you select.

The general rule of thumb is that medium sized bags are for intermediate skill level boxers. While that’s partly true, it also depends on the pressure level that you fill it up to.

Fill it to 4.5 PSI and the bag feels just the right amount of firmness. It is gentle enough to be used for bare skin bagging. But if you fill it up to say 5 and above and you are not too great with precision, then it can hit your knuckles really bad.

So, fill it up to just the right air pressure and work your way till you are comfortable with a rhythmic punching drill.

The only gripe that we have with this is that sometimes, it tends to ship without the needle. Thankfully, Everlast has a great customer service team and any potential issues will be addressed immediately.

Best Speed Bag Platforms

The speed bag platform rarely gets its due.

Athletes might spend hours deciding on the best speed bag and just buy any random platform that they think is a right fit.

However, the platform is as important as the bag you choose.

It should be height adjustable, so that you can set the speed bag at eye level or slightly above it. It should be the right thickness or else it can produce off hand wobble.

It should be stable and stay consistent throughout your training. Else, both the bounce and the timing can go off, which soft of negates the very purpose of the training drill.

All said and done, here’s the best speed bag platform for you.

Best Features

  • Built to Last
  • Affordable
  • The one that I use
  • 24-inch diameter platform
  • 11-gauge steel mainframe core
  • 1 ½” Polished Oak Platform
  • Great aesthetics and quality
  • Perfect balance and stability for speed drills

XMark Adjustable Speed Bag Platform Review

The XMark XM is in many ways, the perfect speed bag platform.

It’s compatible with all of the popular speed bag brands and models.

It is a 24-inch (diameter) drum with a 11-gauge steel mainframe core that almost eliminates vibration. Even if you are a professional boxer bagging at high speed, you’ll barely feel this vibrate.

Club that with the 1 1/2 inch polished oak platform and you have reliable performance clubbed with great aesthetics.

It can take a real beating and yet, retain that furniture finish.

The weight distribution, the stability, everything is so precise that the only way you can go off track is due to lack of skill or practice.

There are a couple of things that we’d like to mention though.

This comes with a Professional grade ball bearing swivel. But it’s highly recommended that you upgrade to an Everlast Professional Speed bag Swivel.

The hole pattern is different.

But that shouldn’t really make a difference.

This takes some elbow grease to put together. Not a one-man job for sure. So if you have an extra pair of hands, it will make things a lot easier.

Best Doorway Punching Bags

Although they are a tad unconventional, doorway punching bags have become quite popular among athletes who prefer a portable and removable punch bag as opposed to a more permanent fixture.

If you fancy one of these for your apartment, then here are two of the best ones that we could find.

#1 – MaxxMMA Heavy Duty Adjustable Speedbag Kit

Best Doorway Speed Bag

Best Features

  • Cheap
  • Compact
  • Easy installation
  • Stable and wobble-free platform
  • Can be dismantled for storage
  • Height adjustable bar sold separately
  • Leather speedbag with reinforced stitches on the seams

 MaxxMMA Speedbag Kit Review

The MaxxMMA is an adjustable speedbag kit that includes an installation platform and a smallish speed bag.

At 7" Wide by 10" high, this kit is designed to fit nicely on a wall, well out of the way but easily accessible when you feel like letting some blows fly. 

Once you are done practicing, you can dismantle the whole thing and tuck it away.

Installation is as simple as it gets. There’s a top bar made of stainless steel which braces on the wall, and the platform attaches to this.

The quality of the speed bag is second to none. It features a rubber bladder and an outer leather shell.

There’s reinforced stitching and it holds up pretty well to long speed drills.

One of the best features is that everything comes with a lifetime warranty. So in case you end up damaging the bag or the frame, you can get a replacement at no additional cost.

However, there are a few things that must be mentioned.

  • The standard setup is best for light to moderately fast bagging. If you are looking to go full steam, you might discover that the frame begins to loosen and slide down. The workaround is to install the 2 screw performance brackets included in the pack. This provides added stability and prevents the dreaded slide.
  • If you are looking to adjust the height of your speedbag, then all you have to do is loosen the screws on the slide bar and raise it higher.

Overall, the MaxxMMA speedbag is a terrific choice for convenience, flexibility and ease of use.

#2 - Quiet Punch

Quietest Bag In Our List

Best Features

  • Designed to fit doorways that are 28" - 36"
  • Easy set up and dismantling
  • Telescopic bars that can be collapsed for storage
  • Four connecting straps and hooks to attach the bag
  • High density foam filled bag that doesn’t create a din

Quiet Punch Review

Quiet Punch is a double-end bag that’s designed to function like a speed bag.

It is designed to fit doorways that are 28" - 36" and the complete setup can be dismantled in minutes, making it perfect for use in apartments as well as hotels.

It comes with two telescopic bars that expand to fit a standard doorway and features knobs that can be rotated to lock them into place.

Separating these bars increases tension on the bag while installing them closer reduces it.

Four connecting straps and hooks are then used to attach the bag in between these two bars. The bag is 12” wide and long, and has a high density foam filled center, with a synthetic fabric cover.

It is ideal for bare knuckle punching. But you can also use it for gloved training. There’s no noise or excessive vibration.

You can of course adjust everything to your liking depending on the tension setting you select.

The entire setup weighs just 4 lbs making it a perfect piece of equipment for small spaces and not to mention the expanding rods can be collapsed for travel and storage. 

Top Punching Bag Brands

A handful of brands have always dominated the space for boxing gear. When it comes to punching bags, these are the most reputed names.


Century - Top punching bag brands

If you have been remotely connected to martial arts, then Century as a brand needs no introduction. These are the guys behind some of the most iconic training tools in boxing history.

They have been around since 1976 and have designed the Wavemaster, which alone is worthy of all the accolades they can get.

If you are looking to buy a reasonably priced punch bag that’s innovative and top quality, Century is one of your best bets.

Their punching bags are without a doubt the best out and will most likely remain the best for years to come.


Everlast - Top punching bag brands

If Innovation is what Century takes pride on, then legacy is Everlast’s last name. They are called the Preeminent brand in Boxing and some of the most legendary names in boxing have been associated with the brand.

This includes Jack Dempsey and Sugar Ray Robinson to name a few.

Everlast is known for its quality boxing gear including gloves, boxing shoes for women and dudes alike, hand wraps, punch bags, training and protective equipment.

However, their gear is not just aimed at professionals and that’s what makes them so popular with recreational athletes as well.

You can buy top of the line products that can get pounded for years, and you can also get reasonably cheap ones that you can use and dump after a while.


Ringside - Top punching bag brands

Ringside is a reasonably young company that was formed 30-years ago.

But in the short time since their inception, they have expanded to include a variety of boxing apparel and gear. They are known for their innovation and they aren’t reluctant to try out new tech.

They introduced IMF Tech and Dome Air, while ensuring that their craftsmanship remains as old school as it gets.


Title - Top punching bag brands

Last but not the least, we have the youngest kid on the block. Title boxing was set up in 1998 with a range of affordably priced boxing gear.

In less than a decade, they expanded to MMA and since then, they have constantly added to their range of products.

They have earned a reputation for their excellent customer service, reasonable pricing and decent product quality, all factors to consider while shopping for punching bags.

Looking to Buy an Apartment Punching Bag? Here's What to Look for

Having lived in a rental apartment for years, we know a thing or two about what factors to consider while shopping for punching bags.

We have made mistakes. A couple of really expensive ones. But we learnt from those and that’s what helped us in creating this handy guide for you guys.

Here are the most important factors while looking for apartment-friendly punch bags.


No matter how much you try to limit noise, there will always be a resonating ‘thump’ the moment you land a punch or a kick on that bag.

If you are like us and workout late night, then your neighbors aren’t going to fancy your midnight shenanigans a lot. (No pun intended). The only option is to buy punching bags that do not create a din. That’s precisely what we have for you here in this list.

While we have highlighted the quietest hanging bag, every freestanding bag in this list is handpicked for its low noise performance. These have dual foam layers, don’t vibrate as much and don’t produce a loud bang when you make contact with it.


The whole ‘You get what you pay for’ saying is beaten to death by unscrupulous salesmen. But if ever there’s a place where you’d want to apply this rule, it’s while shopping for a punching bag.

You do not want to pinch pennies and cheap out here. If you do, you’ll be left with a flimsy product that’ll break down in weeks, be loud as heck, or both.

How You Use It

That’s what it all boils down to. Are you looking to throw a few punches after a tiring day at work, just to unwind?

Are you looking to stay fit and burn a few extra calories while you are at it? Any freestanding punch bag in this list will work just fine. Take your pick.

But if you are looking to compete and go ham on it, then we highly recommend a hanging bag.

Benefits of Owning a Punching Bag

Punching bags have successfully transitioned from gyms and martial arts clubs to upmarket homes and bachelor pads.

The reasons?

Apart from the obvious reasons, here are a few unconventional ones.

It’s a Convenient Way to Stay Fit

Believe it or not, a 60-min session on the punch bag lets you burn 500 calories. Even if you cannot go an hour at the bag each day, even 15 minutes will let you burn up to 125 calories.

Besides, all you have to do is show up at home. There’s no annoying drive in traffic or waking up early to jog. You can do it anytime.

It’s a Stress Buster

Throwing punches on a punching bag is a terrific way to distress your cluttered mind after a tiring day at work. You can even stick your boss’s picture on the bag as an added motivator. Don’t forget that it releases endorphins and cheers you up.

It Strengthens Muscles and Hones Your Self-Defense Skills

Punch bags will help you develop muscle strength. Depending on the drills you perform, you can target almost every single muscle in your body.

Also, it’s one of the fundamentals of self-defense training. Let’s you work on your footwork too. Bob and weave. Pop, pop, bang!

My Concluding Thoughts & Recommendations

That’s it fellow pugilists.

We hope that you enjoyed reading my recommendations on the best apartment punching bags.

It took me a while to put this together and years to personalyl conduct the research.

To summarize things, here are my top two picks.

My Freestanding Pick - Wavemaster XXL

century wavemaster apartment friendly punching bag

Nothing beats the Century Wavemaster XXL, when it comes to freestanding punching bags. It is stable, has a spring loaded design and a firm and sizable striking surface. Hard to go wrong with it really.

My Hanging Pick - Everlast Dual Station

best hanging heavy bag setup for apartments

Ben Mayz

Hi there! I'm Ben, main author and chief editor at I have been obsessed with Strength Training and Fitness for 18 years now.
My passion for living a happy fit lifestyle is what made me realize that fitness is what I wanted for my future.
I went on to earn my Masters in Sports Training & Biomechanics.
My passion for Strength training & fitness and my love of helping others is what made me start Fitlifefanatics.
Here, myself, and a team of specialist aim to provide the most accurate, and actionable information possible in hopes to help foster the fitness community forward.
You can learn more about Fitlifefanatics on our About Page

Ben Mayz

Hi there! I'm Ben, main author and chief editor at I have been obsessed with Strength Training and Fitness for 18 years now. My passion for living a happy fit lifestyle is what made me realize that fitness is what I wanted for my future. I went on to earn my Masters in Sports Training & Biomechanics. My passion for Strength training & fitness and my love of helping others is what made me start Fitlifefanatics. Here, myself, and a team of specialist aim to provide the most accurate, and actionable information possible in hopes to help foster the fitness community forward. You can learn more about Fitlifefanatics on our About Page